Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology (SEE)
Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology (SEE)

Last Call For Abstracts

  • 27, Nov / 28, Nov 2024
  • Online Conference
Conference Email
[email protected]

In the complex fabric of our contemporary world, the intersection between the global economy and environmental dynamics emerges as a pivotal focal point. Upon reflection on the interplay between these two forces, it is evident that the global economy, a complex entity driven by interconnected industries and evolving trade practices, stands at a critical crossroads. Decisions made today within this economic framework reverberate through generations, shaping the trajectory of nations and influencing the delicate balance of our natural environment.

The undeniable prosperity brought about by our economic endeavors has, however, come at a cost – a cost measured in terms of severe environmental consequences. Climate change, pollution, and resource depletion serve as blatant indicators of the toll our current economic practices have taken on the planet. This exploration requires an honest appraisal of the environmental impact of prevalent practices, acknowledging that each facet, from industrial processes to consumer behavior, contributes to a larger narrative of environmental degradation.

The imperative to transition toward modern sustainable economic practices lies at the core of this reflection. Recognizing that traditional models of development are often incompatible with long-term ecological well-being is a crucial starting point. The focus is on fostering conversations about reshaping economic paradigms, emphasizing sustainability as a cornerstone for future prosperity.

Adopting sustainable economic practices is imperative for the survival of our planet. The aim is to bring together diverse perspectives, ranging from economic theorists to environmental scientists, not for discussions but with the collective intent of designing a roadmap toward a harmonious coexistence of economic growth and environmental preservation.

Embedded within these considerations are examples of positive changes and technological advances that offer glimpses of a more sustainable future. The shift towards renewable energy sources, innovative circular economy models, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes serve as inspiration, illustrating that the marriage of economic development and environmental stewardship is not only possible but can be mutually reinforcing.

IEREK is announcing the first edition of the Suistanble economy and ecotechnology (SEE) conference as a call to action. As we navigate the complexities of the global economy and its relationship with the environment, SEE aim is to shape a future that is both prosperous and ecologically resilient. By collectively acknowledging the challenges, embracing sustainable practices, and drawing inspiration from technological advancements, we lay the foundation for a world where economic and environmental considerations coexist seamlessly. Welcome to the forefront of change.


SEE conference addresses the broad spectrum of eco-economics, focusing on sustainable growth and environmental preservation. The list of topics includes green finance, sustainable technologies, and circular economy models. Participants, including experts, policymakers, and industry leaders, will engage in discussions, workshops, and networking sessions to foster collaboration and innovation. Through these interactions, the conference aims to inspire actionable solutions for building a prosperous future that balances economic development with ecological stewardship.

Statement of Purpose:

SEE’s objective is to establish an interactive and interdisciplinary forum where attendees can explore cutting-edge developments, exchange creative perspectives, and collaboratively tackle the emerging complexities within the realms of environmental and economic dynamics. Through captivating keynote presentations, insightful workshops, and participatory dialogues, the conference seeks to cultivate an atmosphere of curiosity, cooperation, and forward-looking vision. As we navigate the intricate terrain where economics intersects with environmental concerns, our goal is to spark transformative insights and sustainable strategies. Join us in this intellectual voyage, where together we strive to shape a future that harmonizes economic progress with environmental stewardship.

Conference Topics
  • 1. Sustainable Economic Development Strategies

    1. Green Growth: Definition, Policies, and Initiatives
    2. Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Financing Methods
    3. Inclusive Economic Development Approaches and Initiatives
    4. Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods
    5. Green Job Creation and Skills Training
    6. Eco-Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Innovation
    7. Environmental Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for a Sustainable Future

  • 2. Green Finance and Investment

    1. Green Bonds and Sustainable Investment Funds
    2. Renewable Energy Financing, Promotion, and Integration
    3. Public-Private Partnerships for Green Finance
    4. Green Banking and Financial Products
    5. Impact investment funds and green venture capital
    6. Sustainable Investment Criteria and ESG Integration
    7. Green Real Estate and Sustainable Infrastructure Financing

  • 3. Climate Change Impact on Economy and Business Operation

    1. Climate-smart Agriculture and Land Use Management
    2. Development of climate-resilient investment products and strategies
    3. Climate Risk Assessment and Mitigation Methods
    4. Renewable Energy Deployment and Energy Transition
    5. Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Business Continuity
    6. Carbon Footprint Management and Reduction
    7. Business Opportunities and Innovation in the Climate Economy

  • 4. Eco-Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business Innovation

    1. Social Impact Measurement and Reporting
    2. Eco-Innovation and Green Product Development
    3. Social Entrepreneurship and Community Development Enterprises
    4. Green Technology Adoption and Integration
    5. Clean Technology and Renewable Energy Startups
    6. Green Marketing and Eco-Innovation Communication

  • 5. Sustainable Consumption and Production Strategies

    1. Resource-efficient Manufacturing Processes and Approaches
    2. Consumer Behavior and Sustainable Lifestyles
    3. Green Procurement and Sustainable Supply Chains
    4. Product Life cycle Assessment and Eco-design
    5. Sharing Economy and Collaborative Consumption Models
    6. Sustainable Consumption Education and Behavior Change
    7. Sustainable Materials Sourcing and Management

  • 6. Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency

    1. Closed-loop Material Recycling and Upcycling
    2. Waste-to-Resource Conversion Technologies
    3. Circular Design and Remanufacturing Processes
    4. Bio-based Economy and Bio-refinery Concepts
    5. Digital Technologies for Circular Supply Chain Management
    6. Policy Frameworks and Incentives for Circular Economy Transition

  • 7. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Governance

    1. Corporate Philanthropy and Social Impact Programs
    2. Sustainability Reporting and Transparency
    3. Supply Chain Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing
    4. Sustainable Procurement and Green Supply Chain Management
    5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

  • 8. Political Economy of Sustainability

    1. Global Governance and Sustainable Development
    2. National vs. Local Policy Approaches
    3. Environmental Justice and Policy

  • 9. Economic Policies for a Green Transition

    1. Carbon Pricing and Market-Based Solutions
    2. Subsidies and Incentives for Green Technology
    3. Fiscal Policies for Sustainability

  • 10. Financial Markets and Sustainable Development

    1. Green Finance and Capital Markets
    2. Public vs. Private Financing of Ecotechnology
    3. Financial Regulation for Sustainability

Publishing Opportunities

All accepted submissions to the conference, after a rigorous double-blinded peer-review process by the respective and a highly-extinguished Editorial Board, will be published in one of the following:

  • Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology (SEE), an IEREK Interdisciplinary book series published by Springer Nature


About SEE

The "Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology" (SEE) book series acts as timely initiative within the modern academic sphere, creating a strong connection between technology, research, policy, and successful practical implementation for sustainable future. In an age marked by increasingly urgent environmental challenges and the critical importance of sustainable development. The series editor is dedicated to steering positive efforts to provide a strong platform for the dissemination of high-quality research focusing on sustainable business, technology, and ecological conservation. Through the contributions of experts in the field, “SEE” endeavors to create a transition toward sustainable economic models and technologically driven ecological awareness.

In a world where the need for sustainable business practices is essential, the "SEE" series emerges inspired and innovative ideas through encouraging researchers, policymakers, and practitioners for driving positive change to merge sustainability and technology with business and economy. Through its commitment, ‘’SEE” will fill the gap between theory and practice, it strives to inspire transformative action and facilitate the transition towards a more sustainable, ecologically harmonious global community.

The "SEE" series welcomes submissions of select papers from conference proceedings, monographs, textbooks, and edited volumes, aiming to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of sustainable development by shining a spotlight on a diverse array of topics that collectively contribute to the advancement of a Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology. Holding a wide-ranging scope of topics, including but not limited to sustainable urban development, renewable energy, circular economy principles, green technology innovation, and conservation strategies. The series embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of sustainable economy and ecological advancement.

“SEE" series stands as evidence to the potential of collaborative knowledge-sharing in steering humanity towards a more sustainable future. Authors, researchers, contributors, and scientists from all scientific disciplines, of business & economy, sustainability, and ecology are all invited to contribute to this series for fostering a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to the advancement of Sustainable Economy and Eco-technology.

Authors' Instructions

IEREK has an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/taking the ideas and work of other Authors without permission and credit is fraudulent. The Reviewing committee and IEREK employees have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, based on the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism.

Authors must refer to, and abide by, the following instructions in submitting their abstracts/ papers:

Step 1: Abstract Submission Process

  • The author should prepare and submit an Abstract of at least 150 – 300 words through the website.
  • The abstract should be concise and clearly state the proposed research study's purpose, results, and conclusions.
  • The author should select the most relevant topic for the paper from the corresponding conference topics.
  • The author can use/download an Abstract Writing Template prior to submission
  • To submit your abstract, you first need to (1) click on the “Register” button on the conference page, (2) click on “Submit Now” and:
    • Select the Topic in which you are making the submission
    • Insert the title of your study in the "Paper Title" section
    • Insert the full abstract in the "Abstract" section/upload a file in the .pdf, .doc, .docm, or .docx format
    • Add in writing 3 – 5 keywords that define the field, subfield, topic, and research area covered by the article to help other researchers understand and find your work.
    • Provide the names, affiliations, and E-mails of all authors/ co-authors involved
    • Confirm your submission by ticking having read the instructions and “submit Abstract”

Step 2.1: Abstract Acceptance

  • After acceptance of your abstract of at least (150 – 300 words), you will receive a proforma invoice and specific instructions to complete the payment online or by bank transfer (See Conference Fees) to confirm your participation,
  • Once your abstract has been accepted, please refer to the important dates tab and carefully review the announced dates to avoid late payment, as late payment comes at an extra charge (early bird/regular/late).
  • After successfully completing payment, you will be issued upon request with the following:
    • A signed/ stamped abstract acceptance letter
    • Please note that acceptance of participation, abstract submission, and paper submissions all have different deadlines. To stay up to date and avoid paying extra fees, or delaying your paper, please carefully review the important dates tab.
    • Receipt of Payment/ Payment Invoice
    • Visa Invitation Letter, if needed
  • After abstract acceptance, you may be given the option to extend the abstract to publish your work in the conference proceedings in SEE Book by springer (optional not obligatory).

    This is not a prerequisite for presenting your work at the conference. Meaning, you can present your submitted abstract without intending to publish your work.

Step 2.2: Full Paper Submission

  • Your submitted paper should be 4 – 6+ pages long and submitted before the paper submission deadline, in English, and fit within one of the conference topics.
  • The paper should follow the research paper structure as follows: Abstract (+keywords), Introduction, problem statement, and study aim, Review of the Literature, Methodology, results and conclusion/ discussion, References list using the Paper Writing Template.
  • The submission should be made following the same procedure followed for the abstract or sent to the conference email.
  • Here: Authors may need more pages than the allotted maximum of 6 to insert figures, tables, appendixes, etc. In this case, they can submit regular papers (max. 12 pages) with the same fixed fee. For a detailed outline of the fees, please refer to the payment table in the conference fees tab.
  • The conference does welcome Arabic submissions (with abstracts written in the english language), which will only be considered for publication in BAHETH by IEREK Press.

يمكنك تقديم بحثك باللغة العربية (مع كتابة الملخص باللغة الأنجليزية)، وسيتم نشرها بعد المراجعة في مجلة باحث (مجلة علمية محكمة تنشر أبحاثا أكاديمية في مجالات الهندسة والتكنولوجيا)

Step 3: Rigorous Peer Review Process (double-blind)

This process can only be initiated after payment completion and confirmation:

  • If submitted, the paper will be preliminarily checked (iThenticate plagiarism/ similarity screening Software, readability, and scope) and it will be peer-reviewed. If similarity issues are detected, the following will apply:
    • % from all sources: 10-15%
    • % from one source: 3-5%
    • Higher than 30% (all sources): Reject completely
    • Lower than 30% (all sources): Ask for revision to decrease the similarities
  • IEREK has an unyielding policy regarding plagiarism. We believe that copying/ taking the ideas and work of other Authors without permission and credit is fraudulent. The Reviewing committee and IEREK employees have the authority to reject a paper during its reviewing process, on the basis of the paper being subjected to either minor or major plagiarism.
  • Each paper/ chapter is evaluated by a minimum of two reviewers, after which a final decision by the responsible Editor is made. There is no maximum to the number of times a paper can be reviewed, depending on the quality of the submission.
  • If your short paper is accepted by the Editors for publishing with comments/ requested modifications, our Editors (publishing department) will contact you once a decision is made and you will be asked to revise and correct it. After resubmission, it will be re-checked. Note: There may be more than one round of peer review and the decision rests with the editors of the title. Missed deadlines may result in complete exclusion/ rejection from the final publication.
  • If your short paper is accepted for publishing without edits/ comments, the corresponding author will be contacted to provide the final version of their chapters/ papers following Springer Guidelines and sign the Springer consent-to-publish (CTP) form to authorize publication in the conference proceedings.
  • A back-and-forth process: modifications will be sent back to the responsible Editor/ Series Editor and another round of evaluation conducted where needed. Participants/ Authors should regularly check their emails (Junk/ Spam folders).
Registration & Fees

Online Attendance

Publication Author Co-author Payment Deadline


SEE book by Springer


150 €


50 €


15 Sep 2024

The fee covers:

  • A softcopy of the abstract book 
  • IEREK Participation/ Contribution Certificate in softcopy
  • Acceptance Letters in softcopy
  • Consideration for publishing in the "Sustainable Economy and Ecotechnology" (SEE) book by Springer
  • Access to conference recordings
  • Each research paper should have one main author who should pay the full fee (Author fees) regardless of attendance. Co-authors, each, have their own fees to pay to attend the event. 
  • A research paper fee allows only one author, whether main or co-author, to attend the conference and receive only one copy of the conference Abstract book in soft copy. Extras can be requested for an additional fee.

Payment Methods:

Payment of the registration fee can be made via the following methods (only after online registration):

1. Bank transfer 

Kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC [email protected] to receive bank details to complete the payment.

*** VAT is applied on some countries, please check the PDF HERE before payment ***

*** Please note that the transaction fee is solely the payee’s/ Remitter’s responsibility. The Beneficiary should receive the total amount specified above without deductions. Incomplete amounts may result in an outstanding amount and a request for completion***

*** After you have completed the payment, kindly inform us with full transaction details. The transaction will remain marked as pending until we receive confirmation. After you make your transfer, kindly send us a scanned copy of the receipt to [email protected] ***

2. Online payment gateway (Stripe)

Participants who would like to complete their payments online must send a request to the conference coordinator/ email and CC [email protected] to receive a customized electronic invoice to complete their payments.

Payment Terms and Guidelines:

  • Read more on Important Dates. For information on payment dates, kindly send a request to the conference coordinator/email and CC [email protected] to receive payment details to complete the payment.
  • After online registration and payment, the registration fee cannot be reimbursed.
  • Final Acceptance/ rejection of your full/ extended paper (if submitted) can only be given after the peer review process.
  • Inclusion in the conference program, acceptance letters issuance and consideration for publication must be preceded by registration and payment completion.
  • Online Payment (only) should only be completed once a proforma invoice is issued with respective instructions for successful payment.
  • Contact our Financial Department for inquiries/ requests.
Important Dates
Title Date
Abstract Submission Deadline  31 July 2024
Last Notification for Abstract Acceptance & Approval to present 30 Oct 2024
Start Payment Date 15 Jul 2024
End Payment Date 15 Nov 2024
Extended Abstract / Short Paper Submission Deadline 30 Oct 2024
Notification of acceptance/ rejection of submitted extended abstract/ short paper 10 Nov 2024
Conference Program 13 Nov 2024
Conference Launch 27 Nov 2024
Benefits Of Attending

Attending a conference dramatically enhances both your professional and personal development. They help you sharpen the saw, meet and converse with industry experts, expand your resources and grow your professional network. IEREK Conference will help you:

1. Open Discussions: We bring together leading academic scientists, from different universities and countries, to exchange and share their experiences and research results.

2. Internationally Accredited Certificate: The participants are granted internationally recognized certificates acknowledged by IEREK, and Partnering Organization.

3. Publication: Selected high-quality manuscripts will be published, after peer review, in the (SEE) book series by Springer

4. Research Technologies: Conferences can expand your resources by providing a great opportunity to promote gathered information on new technologies related to your research.

5. Networking: You can engage with industry experts to discuss with them the very latest research projects they could be working on and increase your chances of collaboration in future projects.

6. Academic Reputation: Attending many conferences will make you a known figure in academic circles and an active member of the academic community.

7. Conference Abstracts Material: Delegates will receive the conference Abstracts book in soft copy.

Conference Program
Participants’ Instructions


To help the organizers plan for inter-disciplinary dialogue, participants are requested to choose from the Conference themes/ Topics upon registration.

They must also refer to, and abide by, the following instructions in registering and/ or submitting their contributions:

NOTE: If you are contributing as an Author of a submitted abstract (for publishing consideration and/or presentation), and regardless of attendance, the fee for the registration is the same. See and Conference Fees for more information.

Types of Participation

1. Attend/ Present Online and Publish in indexed Conference proceedings

The conference offers an Online attendance option for your convenience. That said, participants will have a chance to present their abstract/research, online, and have their work considered for publication in the ASTI Series by Springer as part of the conference proceedings.

See Authors Instructions and Conference Fees for more information.

2. Registration to publish in the proceedings without presenting/ attending

If your full paper is accepted, it may be published in the conference proceedings book in the Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation Book Series by Springer (indexed in Scopus) even if you are not attending the conference. In this case, the accepted work will not be included in the final conference program. See Authors Instructions and Publishing Opportunities for more information.

3. Non-presenting participant

Non-presenting participants may also wish to attend the conference as Audience Members or Co-authors contributing to an already submitted abstract/ paper. See Conference Fees for more information.

Notes to consider:
Send in your questions if you have any to the conference coordinator at the email [email protected]


Powered By Orcid

ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a global, not-for-profit organization that aims to provide unique identifiers for authors, researchers, and scholars. ORCiD effectively eliminates duplication and errors regarding author names, affiliations, previous works, and all related academic data.

IEREK is a proud member of ORCiD, and we contribute directly to their initiative of clear and identifiable markers for researchers and scholars. As the first Egyptian partner to ORCiD in the organization’s history, we strongly believe that by utilizing ORCiD’s database and verification services, we become one step closer to achieving an accurate, and identifiable academic landscape.

We encourage our authors to input their ORCiD ID when registering for one of our conferences, submitting an abstract, or a full paper. By doing so, you directly link your research to your identity and affiliation and can showcase your various academic efforts all in one place. By Registering your ORCiD ID, you also increase your works’ visibility and provide easy access to your entire library of research and academic activity.

Click here to learn more about ORCiD, and here to register your ORCiD ID for free.  

Refund Policy

 A. Online Attendance

Delegates in any event who cancel their registration due to special circumstances will receive refunds according to the following:

Cancellation Policy Up to 60 days before the event 59 days before the event
Penalty 20% 100%

A refund is not possible if:

- An acceptance letter has been issued (Authors only)

- The proceedings of the event have been published (Authors only)

- A submitted manuscript is rejected by the editorial board after going through peer review.

Book Editors

Dr. Haitham Alzubi

Professor of Operations at Skyline University College, UAE, and serves as the Vice-President of GAFTIM (the Global Academic Forum on Technology Innovation and Management).

 Dr. Haitham Alzoubi is a Professor of Operations at Skyline University College, UAE, and serves as the Vice-President of GAFTIM (the Global Academic Forum on Technology Innovation and Management). Recognized among the top 2% of world scientists, Dr. Alzoubi has made significant contributions to the fields of technology innovation and management.
He is the editor-in-chief of several peer-reviewed journals and has chaired numerous IEEE and Springer conferences. He published over 300 publications most in top-tier journals with 61 h-Index, Dr. Alzoubi's work has had a profound impact on academia and industry. Additionally, he is an editor and author of several international books, further cementing his role as a leading figure in his field.
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Massimiliano Mazzanti 

Full Professor in Economic policy, University of Ferrara, at the Department
of Economics & Management

 has developed his research activities over the last decades trying to integrate research agendas in the areas of ecological economics, environmental economics and policy, regional studies, economics of innovation. Conceptual and empirical aspects are present and brought together with great attention to original data generation and coherence between data and empirical methods. The 2014 Industry and Innovation DRUID award motivation testimonies the objective of integration of perspectives and methods (https://druid.dk/index.php/2017/04/07/druid-award-winners/). Main themes of interests have been Resource efficiency and waste, recently the Circular Economy setting. Policy analysis and the role of Innovation at different macro-meso-micro layers have played a central role both in the scientific production and EU projects: Innovation-oriented micro and meso analyses in the FP7 www.CECILIA2050.eu, sustainability innovation diffusion at EU and global levels in the ongoing Green.EU www.INNO4SD.net H2020 project, analyses of Innovation aspects with respect to resource efficiency, waste management and waste prevention in the www.Emininn.eu FP7 project (individual participation).