Countdown | Just 1 week until Green Urbanism conference


Only 1 week left for IEREK‘s international conference on “Green Urbanism – 2nd edition: “The Periphery as a Catalyst for Energy and Skills” which will be held in Rome, Italy in collaboration with Roma Tre University, Rome, Architecture Department.

The main topics that will be discussed in the “GU” conference are:

Conference chair person is Professor. Ferdinando Trapani, Urban Planning Department of Architecture Polytechnic School, University of Palermo, Italy.

Conference guest editors are:

  • Antonella Falzetti, Associate professor of Architecture Design Department of Civil & Computer Engineering University of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy.
  • Luciano De Bonis, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Department of Biosciences and Territory University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy.
  • Lucia Nucci, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning Department of Architecture University of Roma3, Rome, Italy.
  • Fabio Naselli, Lecturer of Urban Planning and Design Department of Architecture EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania.

Conference keynote speaker is Professor. Chaham Alalouch, Assistant Professor in Architectural Engineering at Sultan Qaboos University

You can check the GU program here:

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