1. Quality Assurance & Enhancement Principles
The focus of the quality assurance and enhancement procedures is not just on maintaining the academic output standard of our programmes (although this is a vital element if we are
to meet the needs of our students). It aims to assure the quality of the students' experience while they are studying at the university. The quality of that experience and may ultimately have an impact on student achievement.
2. Responsibility for Quality Assurance & Enhancement
This can be seen from two different perspectives: the collective responsibility of staff through the committee structure; and the individual
responsibility of all staff in the performance of their duties.
3. Curriculum Development & Module Processes
Curriculum development procedures, Updating Module specifications, Module approval, Module modifications, Responding to Student Feedback, Module Monitoring.
4. Quality Criteria
A programme must meet certain criteria in order to be approved, these criteria include: Academic resources, Philosophy and principles, Admission, Structure, Learning and Teaching, Assessment, Guidance and Support, Progression and Completion and Professional bodies.
5. Approval and Validation of Award-Bearing Programmes
All proposals for new programmes must follow QA procedures which will be clearly outlined in the Quality manual.
6. Programme Development and Modifications
Modifications will not be applied retrospectively and should only be implemented at the start
of the Semester/Term or academic session following their approval. Once a Modification has been approved, student handbook must be updated by the Programme Leader and the revised version of the programme specification lodged with Quality Assurance and Enhancement.
7. Review and Enhancement Process
The university is committed to the continuous enhancement of the quality of programmes and educational and pastoral experience provided for all students. Annual Monitoring forms part of the process by which programmes and Colleges are monitored and reviewed thereby ensuring that quality and standards are being met.
8. Periodic Academic Review
Academic Review is a systematic evaluation of the operation of an academic grouping within
a university. It involves a self-critical evaluation of performance by the grouping concerned followed by a review by a panel including a student and external subject specialists drawn from other higher education institutions and from business and/or the professions.
9. The External Examiner System
It's the process by which the institution ensures that the
academic standards of our programmes are comparable with similar programmes offered elsewhere and that the assessment process has been conducted fairly, in accordance with the approved structure, content and regulations and without prejudice to any student.
10. Collaboration with Other Institutions Nationally and Internationally
It covers a comprehensive rules to govern collaborative relationships with other institutions in order to maintain academic standards
11. Annual Audit Guidelines
Every year, the Quality and academic standard Committee will undertake an audit process to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of the policies and operation of the quality assurance and enhancement procedures delegated to Colleges across the university.
12. Relationships with Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Bodies
Programmes that require recognition by a professional and or statutory bodies are subject of the approval professional or statutory body.
13. Principles underlying the approval, validation and review processes
Approval, validation and review should be rigorous and fair. Subject to the condition for rigor, the procedures should also be economical of time and other resources.
14. Appeals against decisions of approval, validation and review panels
In order to develop and implement the above quality documents and procedures, a set of meetings and training sessions with each College has to be coordinated.