The workshop introduced a number of currently used digital simulation techniques and approaches. These were used by Architectural firms such as Greg Lynn Form and UNStudio for generating digital design concepts. As well as using such techniques for morphological digital design process and using simulation tools to validate different schematic digital models.
The workshop was divided into three main parts. Firstly, explicit lecture on generating digital models through using digital simulation techniques; this part was divided into generating parametrical patterns, using forces and constraints in design, generating digital blobs and particles, transferring motion capture files to digital models, and validating results through understanding basics of aerodynamics. Secondly, practical application of using 3ds max, max scripts and flow design to apply the concepts described in the lecture. Finally, students were experimenting these techniques and open discussion was held on the discussed topics.
These are some tutorials were practically applied in the workshop:
- Digitally linking and controlling one parameter to another. As one action happened, design parameter should follow a certain change according to such action. For instance, as sun rises, the openings of a parametrical surface automatically decrease in size.
- Using particles systems to generate parametrical models or to be used as affecting forces in model deformation. For instance, using vorofrag plugin to deconstruct digital models according to particles distribution.
- Using MassFx to generate light membrane structures and experimenting forces on them digitally similar to the manual experiments of Frei Otto and Bodo Rasch.
- Generating morphological digital models by using motion capture files.
- Using flow design to quickly simulate airflow pattern, this tool can be used in architectural practice to quickly view results, to validate them, and to make early design decisions according to wind simulation.