Vitor Ambrósio is Ph.D. in Geography (Religious Tourism) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, M.A. in Geography (Religious Tourism) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, B.A. in Modern Languages and Literatures (English and German Studies) from Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, B.A. in Tourism from Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração, Lisboa, Portugal.
Vitor Ambrósio is a Senior Lecturer of ESHTE - Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril (Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies), Portugal, since it was founded, in 1991. He has also been teaching in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Tourism programs in other institutions such as Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon University), Universidade dos Açores (Azores University), Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa (ISCTE Business School), Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (IDEFE Business School), Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (College of Education of Coimbra), Universidade Lusíada (Lusíada University) and Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, Institut D’Administration Des Entreprises (France). He is also a visiting Professor with adjunct status in the Vitez University (Bosnia Herzegovina)
Prior to this, between 1979 and 1995, he worked as a travel agent promoter and tourist guide.
For several years Vitor Ambrósio was the Director of the Doctoral Program in Events offered by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and the University of Gloucestershire; was the Director of the Doctoral Program in Tourism offered by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and the University of Lisbon; was the Director of the Master’s Program in Tourism and Communication offered by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and the University of Lisbon; was the Director of the Master’s Program in Tourism offered by the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies and he was also the head of department of Tourism Planning and the head of department of Tourism Practices, both offered by Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies.
He was the President of the General Assembly of CESTUR - Centro de Estudos de Turismo (Research Centre for Tourism Studies) integrated in the Estoril Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies which develops studies and research projects providing more coherent and coordinated approaches among all stakeholders of the tourism system (companies and public authorities).
Vitor Ambrósio has got a relevant experience of analysing international tourism trends and globalisation, as well as religious, cultural and sustainable tourism development issues. He has presented papers in several national and international conferences, and has been member of scientific committees for international conferences and scientific journals.
Beside his PhD Thesis on Religious Tourism – The Development of Sanctuary Towns, he is the author of the book Fátima as a Religious Centre for Incoming Tourism.
He is also the author of some book chapters on Religious Tourism. Among others he points out: Sacred and Secular Pilgrimage, in Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management – An International Perspective (chapter 6); Case Study 2: Christian/Catholic Pilgrimage – Studies and Analyses, in Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management – An International Perspective (chapter 11); Taking Part in a Pilgrimage by Hosting Pilgrims in Tourism, in Pilgrimage and Intercultural Dialogue: Interpreting Sacred Stories (chapter 14), all three for CABI Publications, and Community-based tourism: The Romeiros Way in São Miguel Island in Azores/Portugal, in Community Based Tourism in the Developing World (chapter 12) for Taylor and Francis Publications.
He is the author of several scientific papers and articles published in tourism scientific journals such as International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages; International Journal of Business and Globalisation; International Journal of Management Cases; Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism; World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development. Among others he points out: Pilgrimages versus Tourism; Marketing and Development in Four Western European Sanctuary Towns; Pilgrimages on Foot to Fatima - Pilgrim Social-demographic Characteristics and Pilgrimage Characteristics; The Importance of Religious Tourism Segmentation for Tourism Destination Management - the case of the island of S. Miguel, Azores; Religious Tourism and the Lent Pilgrimages in São Miguel, Azores; Marian Midsize Shrines: three itineraries between Portugal and Slovakia; A Conceptual Model for Assessing the Level of Development of Pilgrimage Routes.
He has collaborated with some ONG, particularly Acting for Life/Tourism Development Group and INTA (International Urban Development Association) in the field of religious and sustainable tourism development, taking part in missions within the frame of technical assistance programs on sustainable religious development.
He has also collaborated as an expert in the European Union PHARE Program on Tourism Education in Romania.