Benefits of Publishing in IEREK Press’s ESSD Journal


The Environmental Science and Sustainable Development (ESSD) Journal is a biannually peer-reviewed scholarly journal that aims to offer the best high-quality service for those looking to contribute their researches and works to the academic field. The journal focuses on academic research in all fields relating to environmental sciences and sustainable development, ranging between countless of topics and to name a few:

  • Improving the concept of sustainability
  • Transportation planning, impacts and sustainable networks
  • GIS and remote sensing applications
  • Alternative energy quest
  • Agricultural waste and management
  • Culture heritage, Environmental aspects and sustainable tourism
  1. Our Editorial Board

IEREK Press is careful to recruit only the best reviewers as well as editors to optimize the quality level and care provided to each submitted paper received. All of our editors and reviewers come from all over the world – from places such as Italy, Greece, Egypt, Turkey and several others – with different cultures as well as knowledge and experiences in fields relevant to our journal’s scope.

All of our editors are dedicated to help support all of our submitted authors by helping to ensure that their research papers are meticulously reviewed and edited with the help of the reviewers who respond to the author with comments, if any, to lead the paper towards a more appealing and informative direction.

  • Dedicated Marketing Team

IEREK Press does not only aim to offer great editors and reviewers, but it also aims to provide the best services to help ease the communication process between all parties as well as any inquires sought out by the authors. We also aim to provide the best marketing service possible by helping the authors to share their research paper on several platforms through our social media as well as due to IEREK being successfully indexed on several platforms such as EBSCOhost, DOAJ, WorldCat and others.

  • Affordable

IEREK Press is careful to both provide exceptional and reasonably priced services the best it possibly could. The entire process of publication to our ESSD Journal costs $100 per submitted paper.

  • COPE Membership

As of 2019, IEREK Press has gained its membership as a COPE member and has been cautious to follow the guidelines set out for journals. Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is a non-profit organization that seeks out the achievement of providing leadership on publication ethics by supporting editors, publishers and all those involved in the publication process with the aim of protecting the rights of all those involved.

  • An Open Access double-blind peer review processed journal

IEREK Press’s EESD journal operates using a double-blind peer review process. Double-blind peer reviewing is where the authors do not know who the reviewer is and vice versa, this specific choice of peer reviewing is often more preferred as it acts as an enhancer of fairness when reviewing a research paper.

As well as being a double-blind peer reviewing journal, it is also an Open Access one, being an Open Access journal comes with so many positives for both the author and the reader. Due to it being more accessible, it helps spread the research papers to a wider audience much quicker clearly including those who are unable to afford paying subscriptions to have access to expensive journals. With new research papers comes new ideas, approaches and conclusions which more often than not could contribute to the studies of others as well as to the lectures and educations of future graduates.

IEREK Press has issued eight ESSD issues thus far and has announced the topics and titles of the two upcoming issues which are both open to submissions.

Previous ESSD issues:

  • Vol 1, issue #1 (2016): Green Architecture for a more Sustainable Environment
  • Vol 2, issue #1 (2017): Sustainable Development toward the Preservation of the Environment
  • Vol 2, issue #2 (2017): Resilient Development toward a Sustainable Environment
  • Vol 3, issue #1 (2018): Green Infrastructure for Sustainable Development
  • Vol 3, issue #2 (2018): Sustainable Engineering: Issues and Solutions
  • Vol 4, issue #1 (2019): Improving Sustainability Concept: From Theories to Successful Practices (Special Issue)
  • Vol 4, issue #2 (2019): Innovative Approaches Towards Preserving the Environment
  • Vol 4, issue #3 (2019): Creative Environments: Sustainable Places of Living

Upcoming ESSD issues:

  • Vol 5, issue #1 (2020): Sustainable Cultural Heritage Preservation
  • Vol 5, issue #2 (2020): Natural Resources Preservation and Environmental Sustainability

For further information in regards to the journal’s overall view, previous publications which are available on our website in pdf form and for the opportunity to publish with us, please click on the following link.

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