The World’s Top 5 Countries Solar Producers


The beginning of access to alternative energy

The human civilization that began thousands of years ago has had a significant impact on the damage to the environment. Scientists and researchers around the world have had to confront these environmental problems. Through both research and experiments, as well as the discovery of new energy sources that are safe in use and highly effective without compromising the balance of the environment. Many alternative energy uses are used in homes, cars, factories and any other imaginable facility.

Reasons for Using Alternative Energy Sources

1- Low costs
One of the main reasons for the use of alternative energy is that it is free, and you do not need to pay for any use.

2- Clean energy
As they are generated through clean green energy sources.

3- Environment-friendly
Because if the proportion of carbon dioxide emissions from traditional energy sources and alternative energy is measured, the result is that the proportion of these emissions is very low in alternative energy. Resulting in a long-term reduction in global warming.

4- Water conservation
Conventional energy uses usually cause damage and pollution to both soil and water, but these types of toxins and pollution can be controlled and reduced if alternative energy is used.

Types of Alternative Energy

  • Tidal Energy
  • Waterpower
  • Hydroelectric power
  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Bioenergy
  • Vital block
  • Geothermal energy

In the case of detailed research on solar energy as alternative energy, you will find that it is one of the most important species depending on it.

Solar energy is one of the most important sources of renewable energy. The cleanest and environmentally friendly. Man has long been able to exploit this source and use it to generate energy and to find ways and techniques to help these techniques include the use of heat energy from the sun by direct heating methods, or by the mechanical transfer of energy or electrical energy.

The Most Productive Countries of Solar Energy (Top 5)

1. China

China is one of the leading countries in the field of renewable energy, especially solar energy, as it ranked first in the last ten years. Despite the high production capacity of China’s solar energy. However, it covers only 1% of China’s energy needs. China’s energy officials are now working to increase solar energy to 86%, which is supposed to cover about a third of that by 2050.

2. Japan

Japan is in second place, but it is not expected to keep this center for long because of the limited number of solar facilities. However, they do not develop or increase facilities to increase energy productivity. It has been noted that in the last three years the number of solar energy facilities has decreased by about 20% of their rates.

3. Germany

Germany achieved an important achievement by providing an average of 85% of Germany’s total energy needs through sustainable energy through wind, solar, biomass and hydropower.

Germany has invested heavily in renewable energy sources as part of the government’s Energiewende initiative to move from nuclear power, to low-carbon, reliable and affordable clean energy by 2050.

4. USA

In the United States, renewable energy plays an important role. Data from the US Energy Information Administration showed that solar, wind and energy accounted for 94.7% of the net new energy produced, equivalent to 15.8 gigawatts from 16.7 gigawatts Year, due to low fossil fuel capacity.

The Solar Energy and wind use combined 10% of electricity use for the first time last year and carbon dioxide emissions fell by 1 percent in the same year, after falling by an average of 1.6 percent between 2005 and 2016.

5. Italy

Italy has started relying on solar energy since 2009, almost from 10 years. By the end of 2010, it had reached 155,977 solar power plants with a total capacity of 3,469.9 megawatts in Italy. The number of stations and total capacity increased between 2009 and 2010 due to the high incentives provided by Conto Energya. In just two years, capacity tripled. Growth rates have been very rapid in recent years, reaching 182% per year compared to 251% in previous years.

Based on the above. Solar energy is critical to the future of energy in the world. Developed and developing countries will also rely on this type of energy. In order to provide their energy needs mainly during the next few years. Which encouraged many scientists and researchers to research and study ways to develop the use of renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular.

This was among the most important reasons for the convening of the third international conference on: Alternative & Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture and Urbanism (AREQ) to discuss this trend which is especially relevant in the field of on-site implementation. This starts from territorial to building scale; the energy question has turned to be essential in physical planning and design. This also continues to the integration of alternative energy technology in cities, districts and buildings.

The 3rd Alternative & Renewable Energy Quest in Architecture and Urbanism (AREQ) conference organized by IEREK seeks to promote and disseminate knowledge in the integration of technologies of renewable and alternative energy in the physical design. The AREQ conference is the extended version of the first conference that took place in Spain, which aims to showcase to the international community the groundbreaking results of the work in the fields of renewable energy research, development, application, or design. It will provide a platform for researchers, scientists, manufacturers, institutions, world agencies, and societies to keep up with new developments in theory and physical design applications. Also, it will provide alternative energy solutions to current issues such as the greenhouse effect, sustainable and clean energy issues.

AREQ conference is a unique chance that provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and apply experiences face to face in order to establish business or research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

For more information, registration, and papers submission, please visit the conference’s official webpage:

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