The Relationship between architecture and environment


You can’t build or design a good building without understanding their relationship with the natural systems and the surrounding environment.

Architects need to make buildings that are friendly to the environment and more green which can be adaptable to the surroundings, in other words, they need to create buildings that are energy efficient, like green buildings or sustainable buildings which are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and nature.

So they need to take into consideration:

  • Efficiently using energy, water, and other resources
  • Protecting residents’ health and improving people’s productivity
  • Reducing waste, pollution, and environmental degradation

Green buildings (green architecture) are a trend these days for their positive effect on the environment because they take landscaping into account. Green buildings also managed in the construction process to make sure that any waterways remain unpolluted with construction by-products.

Green buildings also have benefits that you’ll find luxury, like better indoor air quality. Many studies have found that they also lend themselves to a better work environment. These benefits which include the use of natural daylight, big windows, and good indoor air circulation, dramatically increase productivity and as residential buildings, they have substantial effects on their residents, as well.

Finally, the relationship between architecture and environment is very strong and can’t be denied as we see to have a sustainable and healthy environment we have to take good care of the buildings that are built in it and also to have sustainable buildings we have to take into consideration the environment surrounds it and its impacts.

Green Building IEREK

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