Where Energy Comes From !


Renewable energy.

 Is never-ending and, as its name implies, it renews itself once it nears completion.

One of the most important benefits of renewable energy is that it does not cause harm to the environment or human life. This is due to the absence of residues that are harmful to the environment such as harmful gases or temperature imbalances, among others, that cause environmental pollution and negatively affect the health of humans.

Energy is an important component of the universe. Energy sources are divided into two types: natural energy (renewable) and non-natural energy (non-renewable).

When we look closely, we will find that the most important sources of renewable energy are wind, sun, and water.


1- Windpower

Wind power relies heavily on air turbines for the extraction of electricity and on windmills for the production of mechanical energy.

One of the most important examples of the use of wind energy, used in the pumping of water through irrigation pumps and the most important places spread by this type of use, are Australia and a few countries in the continent of Africa and Asia. Additionally, it is used as energy to move sailboats which saves fuel in the navigation of ships





2- Solar power

The rays coming from the sun like the light and heat are the sources of solar energy. This energy has been used to generate electricity through photovoltaic panels and electrical transformers.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) announced in 2014 that with the remarkable development of “high renewable energy” by 2050, solar photovoltaic and concentrated solar power will contribute 16 and 11% of world electricity consumption respectively, and solar will be the largest source of energy in the world. World Electricity.

According to the latest statistics in 2016, solar energy provided only 1% of total electricity production worldwide but was growing at a rate of 33% per year.





3- Hydropower

This type of energy depends on the combination of electricity and water. Water, in this case, is converted to kinetic energy. The result is composed of the fall of water from a high place to another low place.

What distinguishes this type of energy is that it is lesser expensive compared to other forms of energy. All that is required is a dam or a water tank.

This type of energy has many benefits, including:

– Irrigation rationalization and organization.

– Generating electricity without damaging the environment.





Here you will find the most important sources of renewable energy such as wind, sun, water. And others



Energy is considered a pivotal element for every main challenge facing the world. These challenges are represented in the possibility of finding job opportunities, providing security, climate change, food production, and income increase.

Moreover, providing sustainable energy contributes to enhancing the economy, securing ideological systems, and fulfilling fairness because sustainable energy guarantees the possibility of reaching new energy services to all, improving energy efficiency, and increasing the use of renewable energy resources to reduce the emissions that lead to climate change.

This is what is being discussed at “Environmental Efficiency for a Better Quality of Life” EBQL conference in the conference’s second axis: New and Renewable Energies. It contains the following:

– Providing new and renewable energies for everyone at reasonable costs.

– Procedures took to increase the share of renewable energy and improve its efficiency.

– Intelligent systems in areas and buildings in the application of new and renewable energy.

– Clean and renewable energy technology and its role in promoting investment.

– The role of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and indicators in following up the implementation of new and renewable energy plans.

– Opportunities and mechanisms for financing renewable energy projects.


For more information and registration please visit the conference’s official webpage:

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