Developing the Desert


Deserts exist all over the world on a total area of 45 million km2 with about 33% of the entire land’s surface area.

However, most of this area is not used by any means. Below, we will illustrate two of the main benefits we can have from the deserts of the world.

  1. Energy Production

    Deserts can be considered as a very useful source of energy, especially hot and moderate ones, by harnessing solar energy, as sun rays remain shining for about 300 days, in total, in many deserts. Those sources are very huge to lose.

  2. Reclamation

    It is the process of converting soil from unproductive status to productive one. To provide the efficient way of doing so, we need to put in consideration:

    1. Soil

      The main part of the project, it has two forms:

      • Natural Soil, which is hard to convert or change.
      • The chemical soil.
    2. Water

      We have to provide proper watering to the soil, especially places that have small amounts and bad kinds of water.

    3. Financial resources

      Financial resources should be available for any reclamation project, as they are essential for the completion of the project.

    4. Technology and technical resources

      Technical resources play an important role in reclaiming desert. They include engineering, mechanics, irrigation, architecture and soil, electricity and highways and several agriculture sciences.

    5. Human Resources

      The one who helps in reclamation such as engineers, and highly trained technicians, to get high results with low costs.

    6. Weather

      The environment also plays an important role in reclamation through the following:

      1. Rain
      2. Temperature & Humidity
      3. Solar Radiation
      4. Wind

Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference on: Engineering, Architecture and Technology


If you are eager to know more about Engineering, Architecture and Technology, Luckily IEREK is organizing Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference on: Engineering, Architecture and Technology to be held in Cairo at 12 December / 14 December 2017.

Critical Topics will be exposed during this conference as following:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Systems and Computers Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Mathematics and Physics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Energy resources

For more instant & latest news about Al Azhar’s 14th International Conference, kindly visit and register in:
contact us on: [email protected]

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