How can the mix between Urban planning and remote sensing make the future?

Written by: Allaa Muhammed

As urban planners are eager to change the future of cities they have to collect data that will help them achieve their goals. Although urbanization is the most visible force on earth, it affects its surface, atmosphere, and seas. We still do not have a reliable database of some urban areas. Here comes the role of satellites and remote sensing to help us make an effective urban planning.

Why remote sensing?

  1. it is a responsible resource for collecting data as it collecting information related to high-density urban areas with high population and infrastructure also it can sensor areas with low population concentration. So if we developed the sensors with spatial of one meter it will allow us to see the precise landscapes of cities we need.
  2. In terms of transportation planning, transportation planners need to know the accurate information to improve public transport also the drivers need to reliable information to plan their route. All this information cannot be covered with video cameras on the road. Here comes the role of satellites as they cover large areas not only vital ones but also remote areas.
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How will it add to urban planning?

  1. Remotely sensed data
    Remotely sensed data can be used to easily trace and evaluate the growth in urban areas and suburban areas as well. It also helps in terms of landscapes as it shows how to connect different settlement in urban regions, and also in the separating city center from other areas. This will help in reducing pressures in city centers and also avoiding peak hours.
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  2. Mapping
    It will let us know the materials of the surfaces, roof materials, asphalt types, etc. All can be identified easily with knowing the radiation of each material. Also, environmental planners can know the number of existing solar panels, green roofs, etc.
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    When we mention the field of remote sensing it comes to our mind communication engineering so why we do not change that concept to include all fields of engineering t will be very beneficial.
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