
Veronica Lucia Castaldo

Veronica Lucia Castaldo has Master Degree in Building Engineering and Ph.D. candidate in Energy Engineering, she is from Perugia, Italy. From 2015 to present she is a Visiting Ph.D. professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, and a Visiting Researcher in the field of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) analysis applied to urban built environment.

Her main Ph.D.  research interests are focused in the areas of buildings energy efficiency assessment through building dynamic simulation analysis, also considering the Inter-building effect, buildings’ energy dynamic simulation, envelope reflectance assessment (albedo impact) as innovative strategy for improving indoor comfort and reducing building environmental impact, microclimate and meteorological in field monitoring of advanced technologies neighborhoods and calibration of numerical models, indoor-Outdoor CFD analysis for studying natural ventilation and the influence of the interaction with surrounding buildings in urban context. She is a Licensed Building Engineer by Italian Institute of Engineers since 2013